We mainly uploaded Asian porn videos, before published we take care on international law. we only publish videos that only available on internet. We never upload any videos on user request we collect all videos from internet(list Below). after got a report we take action immediate like removed that video. Also We can provide original file sources. Our goal Collect all legal Asian porn / tango videos / cam videos / webseries videos in one place. By mistake Sometime our Freelancer uploaded someone privet videos from other forums or tube sites. After got a report we removed that video as soon as possible.
We Never post if
1.Any underage videos.

2.Any type Force or raped.

3.Any type Revenge porn.

4.Trademark symbol.

5.blackmail video.

7.Incest video.

8.Any Religion related video.

9.Any animal videos.

Mail us: [email protected] [9AM-5PM Office Time]

We collect all those videos from








If you have any problem with any video then mail us immediate and we remove as soon as possible without any Question. Pease without contact us don’t mail to Cyber Crime dep or any Police station.

Note: For report against tango, cam, webseries videos You need to contact with google we ignore all those request.We need 48hours for removed copyright content .We removed immediate desi armature videos and any type un-der-age video that maybe posted by mistake.

Mail us: [email protected] [9AM-10PM Office Time]

Note- We collect all Files From some community forum & porn sites And no one can upload any files to our site. So, We don’t have any Users log and please Don’t ask to give for any user, ip, email logs. We can just removed your reported Files immediate. When we removed a file from our one site it automatically removed from our all sisters sites under 15-30 min.

***For removed cam videos
If you want to removed tango,chamet or any cam videos then send us with Document that proved the video copyright owner You.

*** Please send us with Video urls and the mp4 urls